The bottom LIne podcast

Connecting with industry leaders (and sleepers) to discuss what matters most - The Bottom Line.

The Bottom has a double meaning - Bottom Line Profits (verses top line numbers) and the Bottom Line as in what matters most!

Interview cover topic matters in Business, Health, and Mind/Consciousness.

Subscribe wherever you watch/listen to podcasts.


The bottom LIne podcast

Connecting with industry leaders (and sleepers) to discuss what matters most - The Bottom Line.

The Bottom has a double meaning - Bottom Line Profits (verses top line numbers) and the Bottom Line as in what matters most!

Interview cover topic matters in Business, Health, and Mind/Consciousness.

Subscribe wherever you watch/listen to podcasts.

Science, the Brain, and Psychedelics - An Interview With Manesh Girn, PhD

Science, the Brain, and Psychedelics - An Interview With Manesh Girn, PhDBy: Nicholas Kusmich

In this episode of The Bottom Line podcast, host Nicholas Kusmich sits down with Dr. Manesh Girn, The Psychedelic Scientist, to discuss the science behind psychedelics, the brain, and consciousness.

Science, the Brain, and Psychedelics - An Interview With Manesh Girn, PhD

Rewiring the Brain for a Better Life - An Interview With Paola Telfer of Sens.AI

Rewiring the Brain for a Better Life - An Interview With Paola Telfer of Sens.AIBy: Nicholas Kusmich

In this episode of The Bottom Line podcast, host Nicholas Kusmich sits down with Paola Telfer, CEO and Founder of Sens.AI, to discuss how neurofeedback can rewire the brain for a better life.

Rewiring the Brain for a Better Life - An Interview With Paola Telfer of Sens.AI

Doing the Unimaginable and Breaking Records - An Interview With Iron Cowboy James Lawrence

Doing the Unimaginable and Breaking Records - An Interview With Iron Cowboy James LawrenceBy: Nicholas Kusmich

In this episode of The Bottom Line, Nicholas Kusmich hosts James Lawrence, CEO of Iron Cowboy LLC, to explore unyielding resolve and human potential.

Doing the Unimaginable and Breaking Records - An Interview With Iron Cowboy James Lawrence

Science, the Brain, and Psychedelics - An Interview With Manesh Girn, PhD

Science, the Brain, and Psychedelics - An Interview With Manesh Girn, PhD

Science, the Brain, and Psychedelics - An Interview With Manesh Girn, PhDNicholas Kusmich

In this episode of The Bottom Line podcast, host Nicholas Kusmich sits down with Dr. Manesh Girn, The Psychedelic Scientist, to discuss the science behind psychedelics, the brain, and consciousness.

Rewiring the Brain for a Better Life - An Interview With Paola Telfer of Sens.AI

Rewiring the Brain for a Better Life - An Interview With Paola Telfer of Sens.AI

Rewiring the Brain for a Better Life - An Interview With Paola Telfer of Sens.AINicholas Kusmich

In this episode of The Bottom Line podcast, host Nicholas Kusmich sits down with Paola Telfer, CEO and Founder of Sens.AI, to discuss how neurofeedback can rewire the brain for a better life.

Doing the Unimaginable and Breaking Records - An Interview With Iron Cowboy James Lawrence

Doing the Unimaginable and Breaking Records - An Interview With Iron Cowboy James Lawrence

Doing the Unimaginable and Breaking Records - An Interview With Iron Cowboy James LawrenceNicholas Kusmich

In this episode of The Bottom Line, Nicholas Kusmich hosts James Lawrence, CEO of Iron Cowboy LLC, to explore unyielding resolve and human potential.


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Nicholas Kusmich

I help businesses rapidly scale revenue by getting more premium clients using Opulent Buyer Psychology. I am the guy behind the highest campaign ROI's in the industry.

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